Lord Dattatreya Introduction

    • 2023-11-03

    Lord Dattatreya - Part 1

    Lord Dattatreya: Part 1
    Highlights: SB Canto 4, C.29, v.50, the true spiritual master; true knowledge; Mata Anashuya and Dattatreya; women’s names always come first; without the mother, God would not even be here; women’s respect; plastic surgery…and more

    • 2023-11-03

    Lord Dattatreya - Part 2

    Lord Dattatreya: Part 2
    Highlights: Continuation of the story of Mata Anashuya and Dattatreya; to fulfill the wish of your soul (that you yourself don’t even know about), the guru comes into your life for that reason…and more

    • 2023-11-03

    Lord Dattatreya - Part 3

    Lord Dattatreya: Part 3
    Highlights: The test of the guru; Avadhuta Gita; the secret of OM that Dattatreya taught to Subramanyam; the atma is guru; the guru makes it possible for you to have gurus through nature, through books, through the scriptures, through other teachers, and prepares you for the satguru…and more