
    • MOVIE
    • 2023-09-26

    Madhurakavi Alvar - Part 1

    Krishna says, ‘Nature is the Mother, but I am the Father’; the glory of a devotee is the praises given to the guru; Dasganu and his singing of Shirdi Sai’s glory.

    • SERIE
    • 2024-01-19

    Narada-Bhakti-Sutra Commentary

    The Narada-Bhakti-Sutra is an extraordinarily rich resource of insights into the meaning of bhakti. With Paramahamsa Vishwananda’s commentary, we can learn how to apply it to our daily lives and enjoy its treasures.

    • MOVIE
    • 2024-03-12

    Madhurakavi Alvar - Part 2

    The devotee isn’t interested in Vaikuntha, but rather is only interested in serving the guru on Earth; gratitude to his guru who has taken him and sheltered him; deep confidence that by taking shelter at the feet of the Master, all his sins have been forgiven.

TEST - Zone 1 Movies

    • MOVIE
    • 2023-09-26

    Madhurakavi Alvar - Part 1

    Krishna says, ‘Nature is the Mother, but I am the Father’; the glory of a devotee is the praises given to the guru; Dasganu and his singing of Shirdi Sai’s glory.

    • SERIE
    • 2024-01-19

    Narada-Bhakti-Sutra Commentary

    The Narada-Bhakti-Sutra is an extraordinarily rich resource of insights into the meaning of bhakti. With Paramahamsa Vishwananda’s commentary, we can learn how to apply it to our daily lives and enjoy its treasures.

    • MOVIE
    • 2024-03-12

    Madhurakavi Alvar - Part 2

    The devotee isn’t interested in Vaikuntha, but rather is only interested in serving the guru on Earth; gratitude to his guru who has taken him and sheltered him; deep confidence that by taking shelter at the feet of the Master, all his sins have been forgiven.

TEST - Zone 2 movies

TEST - Zone 2 movies

    • MOVIE
    • 2023-09-26

    Madhurakavi Alvar - Part 1

    • SERIE
    • 2024-01-19

    Narada-Bhakti-Sutra Commentary

    • MOVIE
    • 2024-03-12

    Madhurakavi Alvar - Part 2

TEST - Zone 3 movies

  • Madhurakavi Alvar - Part 1

    Madhurakavi Alvar - Part 1

  • Narada-Bhakti-Sutra Commentary

    Narada-Bhakti-Sutra Commentary

  • Madhurakavi Alvar - Part 2

    Madhurakavi Alvar - Part 2

  • Krishna says, ‘Nature is the Mother, but I am the Father’; the glory of a devotee is the praises given to the guru; Dasganu and his singing of Shirdi Sai’s glory.
    Madhurakavi Alvar - Part 1 – Watch Video Section
  • The Narada-Bhakti-Sutra is an extraordinarily rich resource of insights into the meaning of bhakti. With Paramahamsa Vishwananda’s commentary, we can learn how to apply it to our daily lives and enjoy its treasures.
    Narada-Bhakti-Sutra Commentary – Watch Video Section
  • The devotee isn’t interested in Vaikuntha, but rather is only interested in serving the guru on Earth; gratitude to his guru who has taken him and sheltered him; deep confidence that by taking shelter at the feet of the Master, all his sins have been forgiven.
    Madhurakavi Alvar - Part 2 – Watch Video Section

    TEST - Zone 6 movies

      • 2023-09-26

      Madhurakavi Alvar - Part 1

      • 2024-01-19

      Narada-Bhakti-Sutra Commentary

      • 2024-03-12

      Madhurakavi Alvar - Part 2

    TEST - Zone 7 Single Series

      • EPISODE
      • 2023-10-14

      Narada Bhakti Sutra Commentary - Day 1 - Part 1

      Sutra: Introduction to the Narada Bhakti Sutras
      Highlights: Highlights: Why Narada was compelled to wander the universe; bhakti vs. business; the 9 forms of bhakti; para-bhakti and apara-bhakti; the story of Saint Dnyaneshwar and the buffalo…and much more.

      • EPISODE
      • 2023-10-14

      Narada Bhakti Sutra Commentary - Day 1 - Part 2

      Introduction to the Narada Bhakti Sutras (continued)
      Highlights: Atmanivedana: a state all devotees should strive for; the 64 aparadhas (offenses); what is a bjia mantra; the meaning and power of a sutra; four aspects of Krishna; why you should never consider Tulsi a mere plant…and more

      • EPISODE
      • 2023-10-14

      Narada Bhakti Sutra Commentary - Day 1 - Part 3

      1 & 2
      Highlights: The meaning of Narada; Narada meeting Bhakti Devi; Bhagavan wants only love, not material things; personal deity: ishtadev; devotees talk about the lila of God in their lives, inspiring others to grow; distinction between what is ‘love’ and what is ‘like’… and more

      • EPISODE
      • 2023-10-14

      Narada Bhakti Sutra Commentary - Day 3 - Part 1

      Sutras: 14 & 15
      Highlights: Health of mind and body allows you to serve the Divine; overthinking, overeating, to fulfill desire; work and worship; majority of people don’t know why they are living; Samarth Ramdas and St. Tukaram; Narayana-seva: serving the Lord present inside of everyone, every animal, and nature…and more

      Narada-Bhakti-Sutras - Day 3 - Part 2
      • EPISODE
      • 2023-10-14

      Narada-Bhakti-Sutras - Day 3 - Part 2

      Sutras: 16, 17 & 18
      Highlights: Not an idol, but the essence of the Supreme Lord; external worship becomes internal; Manasa-puja; Ramakrishna slapping queen Rani Rasmani; listening to the glory of the Lord; Gita Ch. 10, v 9; Parikshit listening to Sukadeva Goswami; Ratnakar transformed into sage Valmiki; Tulsidas…and more

      Narada-Bhakti-Sutras - Day 3 - Part 3
      • EPISODE
      • 2023-10-14

      Narada-Bhakti-Sutras - Day 3 - Part 3

      19 & 20
      Highlights: Eknath’s wife giving up her body after hearing her husband is dead; Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 10, C.19, v.16, when the gopis saw Krishna returning home; living a state of para-bhakti: complete surrender and service to the Supreme Lord; story of Bhakti Devi from Puri…and more

      Narada-Bhakti-Sutras - Day 4 - Part 1
      • EPISODE
      • 2023-10-14

      Narada-Bhakti-Sutras - Day 4 - Part 1

      Sutra 37
      Highlights: Incarnated here for a reason, you can’t run away from that duty; Bhagavan said, ‘I dwell in the heart of My devotees…those who sing My glory’; when you are singing the Name of the Lord all your karma gets burned naturally; when you are fully absorbed into that bhajan, wherever you are, He is with you; work is worship

      Narada-Bhakti-Sutras - Day 4 - Part 2
      • EPISODE
      • 2023-10-14

      Narada-Bhakti-Sutras - Day 4 - Part 2

      Sutra 38
      Highlights: the guru's duty is to remind you continuously all of the Names of the Lord; more than being near to the Master, it's more important to listen to what the Master teaches you; without challenging you, you will not change; Bhagavad Gita Chapter 10, verse 11, ‘Out of pure compassion for them, dwelling within their self, I destroy the ignorance born darkness by shining the light of wisdom.’

      Narada-Bhakti-Sutras - Day 4 - Part 3
      • EPISODE
      • 2023-10-14

      Narada-Bhakti-Sutras - Day 4 - Part 3

      Sutra 39
      Highlights:  In this time, we see this world is full of hypocrisy; ‘One in a thousand struggle for Self-realisation. And even among such aspirants, only one in thousand attains Self-realisation’; the benefit of association; Shreemad Bhagavatam, Canto 1, Chapter 18, verse 13: sage Vishwamitra and sage Vashishta discussing the glory of a devotee.

      Narada-Bhakti-Sutras - Day 5 - Part 1
      • EPISODE
      • 2023-10-14

      Narada-Bhakti-Sutras - Day 5 - Part 1

      Sutras: 49, 50, 51
      Highlights: Ritual helps you to purify yourself, but when you have reached that excelled state of devotion, all of this disappears; that love which awakens is a love which can't be satisfied. There is only that yearning for more of it; the greatness of love; Shabari; Sudama; words become inadequate in describing what bhakti is. It can't be explained by words.

      Narada-Bhakti-Sutras - Day 5 - Part 2
      • EPISODE
      • 2023-10-14

      Narada-Bhakti-Sutras - Day 5 - Part 2

      Sutras: 52, 53, 54
      Highlights: Story of Champa; Guruji talks about his childhood; the saints have a different shine in their eyes; that love manifests, that love is given, that grace is easily attained to those which are truly worthy of receiving it; love vs lust; conceptualising, analysing love; when you absorb into that divine ecstasy, it is impossible to describe; Pundalik, Savatamali.

      Narada-Bhakti-Sutras - Day 5 - Part 3
      • EPISODE
      • 2023-10-14

      Narada-Bhakti-Sutras - Day 5 - Part 3

      Sutras: 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60
      Highlights: Guruji saying: that effort that you have put the tilak on your forehead itself is beautiful; where there is love, that becomes home. In your heart is your home; gopis - the topmost of bhakti; secondary bhakti; devotion: sattvic, rajasic, tamasic; doing spiritual practice with a certain aim;  saints who feel that love inside of them, become silent.

      • EPISODE
      • 2023-10-17

      Narada Bhakti Sutra Commentary - Day 2 - Part 1

      Sutra: 6
      Highlights: Bhakti saints often appear to be mad; Chaitanya Mahaprabhu; when a test comes, you can see how much one has truly surrendered; Guruji drinking liquor in a monastery; devotees start to look like their guru; Bhagavad Gita Ch.5, v. 22; yoga is not gymnastics; bhajan: Aisi Lāgi Lagan

      • EPISODE
      • 2023-10-17

      Narada Bhakti Sutra Commentary - Day 2 - Part 2

      Sutras: 7 & 8
      Highlights: lust vs. love; Chintamani, the courtesan; Bilva Mangal; when sexual energy transforms into spiritual energy, it becomes the energy of divine contemplation; Bhagavad Gita Ch. 3, verse 39-40; the power of discrimination ; ‘Whatever you do, offer it all unto Me.’…and more

      • EPISODE
      • 2023-10-17

      Narada Bhakti Sutra Commentary - Day 2 - Part 3

      Sutras: 9 & 10
      Highlights: Bhagavad Gita Ch. 8, verse 14; bringing the mind back; fasting and focusing upon the Lord Himself, for whom you are fasting; You can’t serve two masters; Gajendra; depend on the Lord Himself and he will send the right person to help you…and more

      • EPISODE
      • 2023-10-17

      Narada Bhakti Sutra Commentary - Day 6 - Part 1

      Sutras: 61
      Highlights: Those who have surrendered should not feel any anxiety for worldly concerns, nor thoughts of worry or public criticism; complete trust in God, even if things don't go the way you think it should go; Rukmini’s letter to Krishna; the wives of great saints were against Krishna, Vitthala; be concerned only about your relationship and your love for Him.

      • EPISODE
      • 2023-10-17

      Narada Bhakti Sutra Commentary - Day 6 - Part 2

      Sutras: 62, 63, 64
      Highlights: Transform the work you do into a state of selfless work; great saints work for the betterment of mankind; Samarth Ramdas and his disciple Amba Das; Krishna Arpanamastu’, at night when you go to sleep; avoid three things: lust, anger and greed; when you perceive your qualities of egoism, hypocrisy or other negative qualities, focus on the opposite quality.

      • EPISODE
      • 2023-10-17

      Narada Bhakti Sutra Commentary - Day 6 - Part 3

      Sutras: 65, 66
      Highlights: The prayer that Vidya sent to Guruji; one can also become angry with Him – like gopis, Radaharani were; in bhakti you offer everything. This is the privilege of being a devotee of the Supreme Lord;  Ravana, Kamsa constantly dwelled on Him, but having such anger towards God is not meant for everybody; devotees find joy to serve without motive.

      • EPISODE
      • 2023-10-17

      Narada Bhakti Sutra Commentary - Day 7 - Part 1

      Sutras: 69, 70
      Highlights: Exalted devotees purify their family, their ancestors, their surroundings. They are a blessing, not only for this world, but for this universe; a holy place by itself is not holy, but by the presence of saints and Maha-Purusha these places are transformed;  Ganga went to Trailanga Swami to be purified; Pundalika; Bhu Vaikuntha, Pandharpur; pilgrimage places

      • EPISODE
      • 2023-10-17

      Narada Bhakti Sutra Commentary - Day 7 - Part 2

      Sutras: 71, 72, 73
      Highlights: Mother Earth gets strength by the presence of devotees; the body of a devotee is not just made of matter, it is love that vibrates; anyone taking on devotee initiation is purifying 21 generations back of their ancestors; you being on the path of Hari Bhakta Sampradaya is not random; the true devotees belong to Him, and their actions reflect Him.

      • EPISODE
      • 2023-10-17

      Narada Bhakti Sutra Commentary - Day 7 - Part 3

      Sutras: 74, 75, 76
      Highlights: Do something so that you will attract the grace of guru and God in your life; know that your path is right, even while being criticised;  devotees absorbed in the divine Love of God don't go into debates and intellectual gymnastics; study things that will promote the awakening of bhakti in your actions; all the scriptures help in awakening bhakti in the heart of those who practice.

      • EPISODE
      • 2023-10-17

      Narada Bhakti Sutra Commentary - Day 8 - Part 1

      Sutras: 77
      Highlights: How much time one wastes in feeling pity for oneself; story of Raja Janak; people spend their whole lives slaving away for the wealth they give to doctors at the end; better to spend your time among devotees who remind you of your relationship with God; if you have not practiced chanting His Name, your mind will not remember Him when passing from this life.

      • EPISODE
      • 2023-10-17

      Narada Bhakti Sutra Commentary - Day 8 - Part 2

      Sutras: 78, 79, 80, 81
      Highlights: Discipline on spiritual path; instead of gossiping, sharing something inspiring you have experienced; on the spiritual path, everybody climbs their own ladder, so there is no need for competition; ‘the devotee is ‘yuktatama’, the best and the highest among those who are united to Him’; para-bhakti means the highest form of devotion

      • EPISODE
      • 2023-10-17

      Narada Bhakti Sutra Commentary - Day 8 - Part 3

      Sutras: 82, 83, 84
      Highlights: When you have that attitude of serving Him as a servant, then He comes nearer and nearer to you; story of Narada and mother Yashoda; Chaitanya Mahaprabhu; Mirabai carried Giridhar Gopal for 80 years, wherever she went; if you want to have Darshan of Bhagavan, it’s possible only by bhakti.

    TEST - Zone 5 series

      • 2024-01-19

      Narada-Bhakti-Sutra Commentary

      The Narada-Bhakti-Sutra is an extraordinarily rich resource of insights into the meaning of bhakti. With Paramahamsa Vishwananda’s commentary, we can learn how to apply it to our daily lives and enjoy its treasures.
      • 2024-06-12

      Madhurakavi Alvar Series

      Madhurakavi became known as an Alvar simply by writing these 11 verses about his guru, Nam Alvar. Simple but beautiful, his writing is focused completely in praise of the guru, the one who helps the devotee come to know God Himself.
      • 2023-11-03

      Lord Dattatreya Introduction

      • 2024-06-11

      Vitthala & the Saints of Maharashtra

      • 2023-11-04

      Krishna Talk

      • 2024-01-19


      Paramahamsa Vishwananda delves into the sacred verses of Rāmacaritamānasa. Immerse yourself in the timeless epic as he unveils profound insights, unraveling the spiritual depth of Lord Rama's journey.

    TEST - Zone 1 movies by categories

      • SERIE
      • 2024-01-19

      Narada-Bhakti-Sutra Commentary

      The Narada-Bhakti-Sutra is an extraordinarily rich resource of insights into the meaning of bhakti. With Paramahamsa Vishwananda’s commentary, we can learn how to apply it to our daily lives and enjoy its treasures.

    TEST - Zone 9 persons

      Paramahamsa Vishwananda
      • 0 Movies or Series

      Paramahamsa Vishwananda

      1 Paramahamsa Vishwananda
      • 0 Movies or Series

      1 Paramahamsa Vishwananda

      Madhurakavi Alvar
      • 2 Movies or Series

      Madhurakavi Alvar

      • 0 Movies or Series


    TEST - Zone 7 movies

      Madhurakavi Alvar - Part 1
      • MOVIE
      • 2023-09-26

      Madhurakavi Alvar - Part 1

      Krishna says, ‘Nature is the Mother, but I am the Father’; the glory of a devotee is the praises given to the guru; Dasganu and his singing of Shirdi Sai’s glory.

      • SERIE
      • 2024-01-19

      Narada-Bhakti-Sutra Commentary

      The Narada-Bhakti-Sutra is an extraordinarily rich resource of insights into the meaning of bhakti. With Paramahamsa Vishwananda’s commentary, we can learn how to apply it to our daily lives and enjoy its treasures.

      Madhurakavi Alvar - Part 2
      • MOVIE
      • 2024-03-12

      Madhurakavi Alvar - Part 2

      The devotee isn’t interested in Vaikuntha, but rather is only interested in serving the guru on Earth; gratitude to his guru who has taken him and sheltered him; deep confidence that by taking shelter at the feet of the Master, all his sins have been forgiven.

    TEST - Zone 3 Movies by categories

    • Narada-Bhakti-Sutra Commentary

      Narada-Bhakti-Sutra Commentary

    • The Narada-Bhakti-Sutra is an extraordinarily rich resource of insights into the meaning of bhakti. With Paramahamsa Vishwananda’s commentary, we can learn how to apply it to our daily lives and enjoy its treasures.
      Narada-Bhakti-Sutra Commentary – Watch Video Section

      TEST - Zone 5 Movies by categories

        • 2024-01-19

        Narada-Bhakti-Sutra Commentary

        The Narada-Bhakti-Sutra is an extraordinarily rich resource of insights into the meaning of bhakti. With Paramahamsa Vishwananda’s commentary, we can learn how to apply it to our daily lives and enjoy its treasures.

      Madhurakavi Alvar - Part 1

      Krishna says, ‘Nature is the Mother, but I am the Father’; the glory of a devotee is the praises given to the guru; Dasganu and his singing of Shirdi Sai’s glory.

      • • LIVE
      • NEW
      test live event

      test live event

      Starting 2024-08-08 at 09:00

      Synopsis for Live Test

      TEST - Zone 2 Events

      TEST - Zone 2 Events


        • • LIVE
        • 2024-08-08
        • 09:00

        test live event

        • • EVENT ENDED
        • 2024-03-12
        • 11:30


        • • EVENT ENDED
        • 2024-01-20
        • 15:30
